Back To School: Nailing the ‘Sales’ basics
It doesn’t matter how long it is since you left school, September always feels like the beginning of a new term. How will you make sure your sales pipeline is as stuffed full of prospects as a Year 7’s school bag? We are delivering some A-grade ATTAIN knowledge to study and keep in your locker. […]
How to stop your marketing campaigns going off the rails
The best way to keep a marketing campaign on the right track – and show how much return on investment your marketing journey is generating- is by tracking metrics and learning from them. So, all aboard for the ATTAIN whistle-stop tour of how a data management platform and revenue tracking module can stop your campaigns […]
The road less travelled: a case for data-driven marketing
Remember when everything was ‘tailored’ or ‘bespoke’? You couldn’t move for a made-to-measure this and purpose-built that. They may have become commonplace, but these oft-mocked marketing buzzwords should now be the roadmap to your marketing strategy. One size does not fit all. YOUR data is mapping out a unique plan for YOUR business – and […]
Signed, sealed, delivered… their business is yours
Signed, sealed, delivered… their business is yours When Steve Wonder’s “Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I’m Yours” song joined the hit parade in 1970, it is hard to believe the first computer message systems – the precursor to the modern email – were already around. Little could the IT bods of yore have known what a powerful […]
The missing ‘P’ in the marketing mix: Protection
Product, price, place, promotion…the “P’s” that every marketer will be familiar with. But marketers need to get to grips with a new ‘P’ in order to future-proof not only a company’s marketing activity, but the company itself. Protecting your company’s sales and marketing activity online – from Ecommerce transactions to invoicing – is critical in […]
Big changes signal new chapter for ATTAIN
ATTAIN has launched a new website for its data management platform, which is now known as ATTAINA. Following twenty years of developing data, digital and design services, we have launched ATTAINA to meet the growing demand for our dedicated data management platform – which is currently used by more than 400 organisations. The move will […]